Week 4 Blog
This week’s lectures on the human body and the influence of science technologies on medicine. It was cool to see how throughout time human bodies have been an inspiration for many artists. From the ancient Egyptians to Renaissance artists, the human body has been the center of many cultural traditions and art works. Anatomy and dissection have been a key intersection point for art and science. In ancient Egyptian culture the process of mummification a dead body was crucial in ensuring a prosperous afterlife for royal families. During the time of the Renaissance scientists were starting to explore the human body in a different way than before. They began to dissect dead bodies in order to discover the inner mechanisms of the human. They wanted to document the images they were seeing so they would have an artist come in and sketch for the scientists.


Works Cited:
"Arts." Christophe Luxereau : Arts / Ombre. Web. 24 Apr. 2016.http://www.luxereau.com/arts/ombre1.html
"Culturebase.net - a Unique Online Source on Contemporary International Artists." Zoran Todorovic Artist Portrait. Web. 24 Apr. 2016.http://www.culturebase.net/artist.php?188
"Kevin Warwick." Kevin Warwick. Web. 24 Apr. 2016.http://www.kevinwarwick.org
"MISSION ETERNITY / SUMMARY." MISSION ETERNITY / SUMMARY.Web. 24 Apr. 2016.http://www.missioneternity.org/summary/
"Virgil’s TED Talk: The Medical Avatar." Virgil Wong. Web. 24 Apr. 2016.http://virgilwong.com/virgils-ted-talk-the-medical-avatar/
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