Week 2 Blog

In this weeks’s lecture professor told us about Renaissance artist Piero della Francesca. He is now known for his great works of art but he also studied geometry and arithmetic. Francesca believed that there were three aspects to painting: drawing, proportion and coloring. When thinking of painting drawing and color come to my mind first as a top priority, proportion does not. After the breakdown of lecture this week I see now how important proportion is to painting in order to make a work as symmetric and real life as possible. When someone sits down to paint something it is more than just simply putting a brush to a canvas. Painting is also a mathematical process. Piet Mondrian’s works are a great example of this. When I first looked at his paintings with no background knowledge I thought they were just abstract pieces created with spontaneous inspiration. I now know that this is not the case. Mondrian believed in using simple geometric shapes and primary colors to express reality and nature. Many great artists throughout history were more than just artists. They also had a great love for math and science. Without mathematics all of the great works we were shown this week could not have been created.
Works Cited:
"Daina Taimina." Daina Taimina. Web. 11 Apr. 2016. http://crochetcoralreef.org/contributors/daina_taimina.php
"Nathan Selikoff | Fine Artist Playing with Interactivity, Math, Code." Nathan Selikoff. Web. 11 Apr. 2016. http://nathanselikoff.com
"Piero Della Francesca." Piero Della Francesca. Web. 11 Apr. 2016. https://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/artists/piero-della-francesca
"Piet Mondrian Biography, Art, and Analysis of Works." The Art Story. Web. 11 Apr. 2016. http://www.theartstory.org/artist-mondrian-piet.htm
"The Institute For Figuring // Where the Wild Things Are." The Institute For Figuring // Where the Wild Things Are. Web. 11. Apr.2016. http://www.theiff.org/publications/cab21-gessler.html
You really went in depth and did your background research on this section. I also like the way you related to it and the images you used. Good job