Week 7 Blog
This week in DESMA 9 we focused on neuroscience and art. This field has been exploding and artists have always been fascinated with the mind. The mind is a very interesting and mysterious thing. Throughout time we have seen new discoveries about it functions. Aristotle believed that the brain was used as a cooling mechanism for blood and that all thinking was done in the heart. It was not until Franz Joseph Gall that it was discovered that the brain had different parts that controlled different bodily functions. These ideas were highly controversial at the time but are now widely accpeted.

My favorite band, the Beatles, are a great example of the use of LSD in the music industry. The music to one of their most famous and successful albums, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, was written while they were under the influence of LSD. One of the album’s more popular songs, Lucy In the Sky with Diamonds, can be abbreviated to LSD. They claimed that this drug helped spark creativity and pushed them to write some of the greatest works. When listening to Sgt. Pepper’s it is interesting to see the different sound affects they input into all of the songs. The album cover itself is visually stimulating as well, there are lots of bright colors and a wide array of images. This is one of their greatest albums but you can clearly see how LSD was a heavy influence on the type of music they were writing and the image of the band that they were going for at this time.
Work Cited:
"Art, Mind, And Brain: A Cognitive Approach To Creativity." Google Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2016.
"How to Build a Bigger Brain." UCLA Newsroom. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2016.
NASA. NASA, n.d. Web. 15 May 2016.
"Swann’s Hypothesis." The New York Times. The New York Times, 03 Nov. 2007. Web. 15 May 2016.
"The Third Culture - Chapter 14." The Third Culture - Chapter 14. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2016.
Your examples of LSD boosting creativity are very intriguing. Mind-altering substances definitely have huge effects on our sense and perception. However, how LSD affects creativity is not yet explained by neuroscience since creativity is a very abstract term to define in the first place. I also wonder if there are other hallucinogens, or just mind-altering substance in general, have reported similar effects on creativity.
ReplyDeleteI'm a really big Beatles fan too! I liked how you brought them into this weeks course subject and also discussed a brief history of use of LSD in America. The Beatles were such a popular group in the 60's that they shaped much of the culture from that era and the knowledge that their work was created while on LSD infers that LSD shaped much of the culture we know from that era as well.